Saturday, October 30, 2010

Julia had something right

Some people like to run. Some people like to do drugs. Some people like to juggle geese. I do that occasionally, but mostly I like to bake.
Some of it is a family thing- every year when things start to get a little colder and a lot wetter, my mother would bake. She would bake cookies and pies and cakes and tortes and bread and other things I'm certain I don't know the names of right now. Let me say that my mother is a fantastic person and I would love to reach 40 and realize that I'm turning into her so I know that a part of my motivation for baking comes directly from her.
Beyond that is something else, something of the quality of the pioneer (quaint but self sufficient) which lives in me that loves beyond measure making food for people to eat. I feel like the value of good food shared with friends is grossly underestimated. I couldn't tell you exactly why such a thing matters, but it does. Eating and enjoying good food is something we can all do- perhaps not something we agree upon in tastes, but regardless of that, it is a shared human experience. Now, shared human experiences are hard to come by- sure there's love and pain and vice and any other intangible concept, but it's hard to find something tangible that all people must do and can do and will do together. Food is one of those things.
To put it simply:
Food is good. I find making food enjoyable. I like to make good food for my friends.
And in conclusion:
Happy Halloween is best said on an intensely chocolate cake :)

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