Sunday, January 23, 2011

Either slow down, speed up or get out of the way

You know how you can look back on your life and pinpoint the good phases, the great phases and the not-so-great phases? You see the bad ones and go, "Whoa! What was I thinking? Glad I'm not there anymore!" Well, I'm in the midst of one of those bad phases, made all the worse by the fact that I know I'm in one :/
I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm through with this phase of my life. This town hasn't been good for me. I don't like to admit it because it seems sad to say out loud, but high school was a very good time for me. I had a lot going on. Great school, great friends, great job. Now? I like school ok, I have a decent job and fewer real friends than I'd like. I tried to make nice, but I don't make friends like everyone else- I'm not a big college party animal. Due to my introverted nature, I tend to feel... off at parties. I can enjoy the company of every person in the room individually, but when we're all together I feel small and misfitted and like I'm just... doing it wrong.
I realize that in this blog I always try to see the good in a situation- to turn a bad day into a learning experience. I've got hope that it'll happen, but right now? All I have is cloud.
I'll let you know when I find the silver lining.

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